Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Vicenza & Slovenia Beach Day—July 10-11

On Saturday morning we planned to look around Vicenza and go shopping a little but we just saw the bus we needed pulling away as we walked off post. Oh well, we would wait for the next one!...we waited in the heat (well over 90degrees I think and in the sun) for 45 minutes and then when the right bus still wasn’t in site, we decided to walk back to post since we would only have a little bit of time to shop anyways since we wanted to be back for a movie later. So that was a bit pointless! Hahaha We got some ice cream at Burger King on base and then got our tickets for the Eclipse movie, went to the pool fo
r a bit, then back to actually watch the movie. After that we hung out and figured out how to get to the restaurant and outlook area on the big hill overlooking Vicenza.

We headed out on the bus and then had to walk for about a half hour up this hill (Monte Berico) to get to the outlook and restaurant area. It was really pretty to see the town from way up above and I got pizza at the restaurant (Sette Santi)!

Sunday-We headed out at 6am from base to go to the beach in Slovenia. The trip was through the Outdoor Rec company on base so we took a pretty full charter bus. I was surprised it was only about a 3-hour drive to get to Slovenia! The town we went to is called Portorose which is along the coast, a ‘resort area’, and famous for the beaches and I guess the casinos!

It was really pretty of course and we could look around and swim or do whatever we wanted until 5pm when we had to meet the bus again. We looked around the shops, ate lunch, swam, and relaxed/read books. The beach was kindof weird because the sand area where people sat didn’t slope down into the water—there was sand, then a sidewalk and cement wall thing you had to go over to get into the water, which was not to cold but had a lot of grass floating in it. We still enjoyed swimming around though. We were back to Vicenza early (because traffic wasn’t bad) by 9pm.


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