Thursday, July 22, 2010


Last weekend we were planning to stay close-by to save some money with our train passes running out of days soon. A couple of us were planning to go back to Venice to wander around and look for the day on Saturday...we decided to scratch that idea when we heard the the humidity and heat would be continuing and Saturday would be record high heat here! and rain possible later on...not the best for wandering outside. So on Saturday we planned to just hang out on base, go to the pool, and look around downtown Vicenza.

Oh wait... on Friday night a few of us went to the 'Soldiers Theater' on base to see one of the ladies some of the girls work with at the daycare (she was supposed to play the bongos in her band but didn't end up coming). It was still fun anyway--I guess once a month they have 'music cafe night'. There was one girl who was scheduled to do a mini concert playing the piano and singing and then the stage, equipment, guitars, drums, etc. were open for whoever wanted to play that night. There weren't very many people there...maybe 25-30 and we sat at little cafe tables and they gave us free snacks as we watched! Most of the audience was filled with people who would eventually sing or play or something...we didn't know what was going on and they kept asking us if we had anything (jokes or songs)--we didn't. There was one guy who played the guitar, a couple who sang and played, and then a crazy family who kind of took over the show. The three siblings were home from college in California in Italy with their parents for the summer--they played and sang..sat down, but then kept popping back to play with other people, on the piano, and suddenly one had a trombone. It was actually cool to watch and everyone was really good.

Saturday: We went out to the pool for awhile because it was SO hot! A few of the families who we knew from watching their kids every day were there so we played with them in the pool and Megan and I played with one boy in the playplace at Burgerking later. At night we went to check out downtown a bit and saw some interesting things! In the picture below I am trying to pose like the statue of Palladio--some super famous architect in all of Europe who was from Vicenza and designed most of the city here!
Later, walking downtown we saw this lady walking her dog--and the dog was wearing little red shoes to match the collar and leash! It seems like everyone here has cute dogs that they walk around
the streets, parks, and go shopping with.

The tower and building below are from the main square part of downtown Vicenza.

The strangest thing we saw was in the main square when a group of guys came marching down a street with a torch thing, a guy in a caveman outfit and bamboo cage! They were yelling stuff and tried to talk to us in Italian--I couldn't understand much and they were crazy so we walked away and then watched from farther down. The guy's friends put him in the cage thing with a ball and chain and then ran farther off--some people stopped, took pictures, wrote things on paper, and on his arm, then he started running around the cage--his friends laughed! We had no idea what it was--maybe publicity for a play or a bachelor party or something--finally one of the guy's friends came to explain to us in a little English that he knew--he would be married in a week...he was supposed to stand in the cage, we could write things, and draw on his arms if we wanted. I guess it is their form of a bachelor party thing always a week or so before a wedding, I was right! The two of us decided to walk back to base instead of using a bus pass and we got to see more too...on our hour walk back we stopped at a grocery store place and got cheap pasta to bring home and some ice cream to eat.

On Sunday, Megan and I decided to hike up the Monte Berico hill thing to look over the city and
mountains because it looked really clear out since it rained and cooled off overnight. By the time we got all the way up there though, it was a bit cloudy but still a good walk and view! We got back to base, ate, and later went to the bowling alley to take advantage of their Sunday deal--bowling for $1 ! Three of us went and had fun bowling a few games and got some pizza there.

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