Monday, June 14, 2010

Work @ CDC

Last week we started working in the CDC’s (Child Development Centers=daycare on base). We are just put on the schedule wherever they need us to fill in when staff move or go on R&R with spouses or whatever. We also found out that they can try to be sneaky and use us instead of staff because we work 8 hours a day and only get paid a bit (stipend, housing, plane tickets) compared to what the staff is paid working full-time.

During the first week usually worked in the infant room in the morning, had a short lunch break and then would come back to work in one of the toddler rooms or float wherever I was needed. I liked working with the Pre-K class and even got to help with their graduation rehearsal which was fun…but soon enough they pulled me back to the infant room for extra help! Don’t get me wrong, the babies are cute but intimidating at the same time! I didn’t really know what to do at first but by this week am getting the hang of when to feed them, how the bottle warmers work, whose parents are who, who eats what, and writing down everything (the time they eat, sleep, diaper, and specifically what they eat). It is a bit tedious but can be fun at times. I am starting to enjoy it a little now that I don’t feel like I am always doing something wrong or that I am going to accidently hurt a baby or something. I am a bit disappointed because I have a feeling that I will be in he infant room the majority of the summer as the schedule is looking…we’ll see! People are always coming and going (staff & kids) so you never know!

During the week we are pretty relaxed, working and then just hanging out or doing whatever at night. I went to the library on base and got my own library card and we used it to check out an Italy travel book. It looks helpful and even has a lot of stuff about our city, Vicenza. I guess Vicenza is known for its architecture and a world leading city in the gold industry-they have gold shows here periodically?... The base is still pretty dead—not many people live here right now because just about everyone is deployed and many will get back in December. It is crazy to think that they are in Afghanistan! We met a few guys who had just gotten back 2-4 days earlier from Afghanistan one was on medical leave.

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