Monday, June 14, 2010


Verona is less than an hour’s train ride from Vicenza so we thought we would head there for the day and see what there was! The plan was just to walk around and see what we saw but we headed out of the train station the wrong way…oops. So we went back to get a cheap tourist map of the city with the key sites to see. Now we were in business…or so we thought. We didn’t really know where we currently were on the map so we just started walking and then decided the best approach was to follow the cute old touristy looking couple I spotted up ahead (they looked knowledgabe, had a map, and were pointing—see picture :) We hung back so we weren’t too creepy and they headed for the main piazza so it worked out great! Hahaha

We saw the ‘Arena’ a huge, old coliseum theater which we paid a couple Euro to go inside. It was so neat! We saw them setting up a huge stage for some sort of Egyptian play/ show later. Next we set off to find Juliet’s house w/ the balcony from Romeo & Juliet…easier said than done even with

a map it was hard to find. I’m glad we did though because the entrance arch walls were covered with little love notes on random scraps of paper and most stuck up with gum! We saw the balcony but I didn’t bother to pay to go up onto it. There were a bunch of other sites to see in the city and we walked past most—old buildings, bridges, and churches. One of the churches was gorgeous and I went inside to look for a bit. We were all tired of walking so took a break and had water and I got a delicious fruit cup they must sell everywhere in Italy! I could definitely get used to people selling fresh fruit (especially pineapple) on every street.


On Sunday I got up and had breakfast at the hotel (discovered I like blueberry yogurt!) and then swam and hung out with the others by the pool on base for awhile. Later a few of us went to eat in Vicenza—we found a really cool Chinese restaurant within walking distance. The floor was clear glass with an aquarium below!! We were planning to look around the sites in Vicenza more on Sunday, but it was raining on an off quite a bit in the afternoon/evening so we will wait til another day…

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