Monday, August 9, 2010

Italian Cooking Class

A few weeks ago, a bunch of us attended a cooking class on base. We paid to attend and got to help prepare the meal and eat together at the end! It was a lot of fun...
Here we are mixing flour and eggs to make the pasta

Then we made little balls, put them through the press things several times and then through the cut-y part of the press to make strips...this is the end result drying while we worked on dessert and other courses.
Here is most of the finished meal menu:
Homemade Tagliatelle Pasta with Ragu
Prunes Stuffed with Goat Cheese
Chicken Scaloppini
Stuffed Zucchini
Tiramisu (dessert with layers of cream and cookies soaked in coffee)

This is the proud group of Camp Adventure girls with our meal! yum!

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